Cucumber supports hooks -- methods that run before or after a scenario. The @Before and @After annotations are used to mark them. A method with @Before annotation will run before each scenario, @After -- after each scenario. An example of a class with hooks:
public class Hooks {
public void init() {
System.out.println("before each Cucumber scenario");
public void stop() {
System.out.println("after each Cucumber scenario");
Can you tell me, please, what annotations I must use in order to run method 1 time before the entire group of Cucumber-scenarios (feature-files)?
If there is no such annotation, then how can we do it in another way?
You can use the standard Junit annotation @BeforeAll and @AfterAll
@BeforeAll methods are only executed once for a given test class. @BeforeAll is used to signal that the annotated method should be executed before all tests in the current test class.
Please refer this documentation @BeforeAll