Assume that you have the following types:
type Foo = {
prop1: 'foo',
prop2: null
type Bar = {
prop1: 'bar',
prop2: number
type FooOrBar = Foo | Bar
Is it possible to rewrite the above code using conditional types?
I have tried the following:
type FooOrBar = {
prop1: 'foo' | 'bar'
prop2: FooOrBar['prop1'] extends 'foo' ? null : number
But when trying to declare a var like so:
const sample1: FooOrBar = {
prop1: 'foo',
prop2: null
I receive the following error:
Type 'null' is not assignable to type 'number'.
It seems that FooOrBar['prop1'] extends 'foo'
is always false
which shouldn't be since FooOrBar['prop1']
is a union type of 'foo' | 'bar'
What am I doing wrong?
You could do that, but you'd still need to provide the type argument explicitly.
type FooOrBar<T extends 'foo' | 'bar'> = {
prop1: T;
prop2: T extends 'foo' ? null : number;
const test: FooOrBar<'foo'> = {
prop1: 'foo',
prop2: null,