I am have created an Gateway Server and registered it with Eureka. Below it is the bootstrap class:
public class GatewayServerApplication {
I have integrated Zuul Gateway Server with Eureka Server. Everything is going OK. Eureka is starting successfully and the also the Gateway Server is starting successfully. Nevertheless, I am having trouble accessing the routes. Below is the link that i am trying to access:
Please, help me with this issue.
Thanks in advance.
P.S my configuration information for gateway server in application.properties file:
Change the @EnableZuulServer
to @EnableZuulProxy
, like below:
public class GatewayServerApplication {
You have two option for creating Zuul Gateway Server
The first one is to use @EnableZuulServer
annotation. This annotation creates a Zuul Server but doesn't offer the Zuul pre-built routing capabilities. You use this annotation when you want to build your own routing service.
The second option is to use the @EnableZuulProxy
annotation. This annotation creates Zuul Server, loads the Zuul Reverse Proxy Filters, and automatically uses Eureka Server to lookup services by their service IDs and then use Netflix Ribbon to do client-side load balancing of requests from within Zuul.
I think in your case is more suited to use @EnableZuulProxy
annotation because you don't want to build your own custom service.