I am trying to split a string using Splitter class. For example:
List<String> resultList = Splitter.on("|").splitToList(stringToSplit);
My question is: can resultList
ever be empty?
I cannot think of any cases that it would be empty. But if I directly use resultList.get(0)
, it seems buggy. Can I directly call resultList.get(0)
without worries?
Well, that depends on how you configure your splitter instance. Here you have to very similar examples, both as input take an empty string.
First case uses "raw" splitter returns a list with only one element -- an empty string:
public void shouldReturnOneEmptyStringForRegularSplitter() {
String input = "";
Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',');
List<String> result = splitter.splitToList(input);
In the second example the input is the same, but splitter is additionally configured to omit empty strings from a resulting list, which as a result returns an empty list:
public void shouldReturnOneEmptyStringForCustomized() {
String input = "";
Splitter splitter = Splitter.on(',').omitEmptyStrings();
List<String> result = splitter.splitToList(input);
The behavior is documented:
For separator-based splitters that do not use
, an input string containing n occurrences of the separator naturally yields an iterable of size n + 1. So if the separator does not occur anywhere in the input, a single substring is returned containing the entire input. Consequently, all splitters split the empty string to[""]
(note: even fixed-length splitters).
has couple more options you could configure and change the result base on that.
In your case, if you only use Splitter.on("|")
without any additional options, you're guaranteed to always have at least one value in resulting list.