I have the following code:
String dateTimeInStr = "17-Jul-2020 12:12";
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-YYYY HH:mm");
// OffsetDateTime offsetDateTime = OffsetDateTime.parse(dateTimeInStr, formatter);
LocalDateTime localDateTime = LocalDateTime.parse(dateTimeInStr, formatter);
// System.out.println(offsetDateTime);
As you can see I try convert string 17-Jul-2020 12:12 to the LocalDateTime or OffsetDateTime. But nothing works.
Text '17-Jul-2020 12:12' could not be parsed: Unable to obtain LocalDateTime from TemporalAccessor: {WeekBasedYear[WeekFields[MONDAY,1]]=2020, MonthOfYear=7, DayOfMonth=17},ISO resolved to 12:12 of type java.time.format.Parsed
Does anyone know how to fix this issue? Thanks in advance.
You are using uppercase 'YYYY' which is the week year
. Try with lowercase 'yyyy':
DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm");
And specify a Locale
for the human language and cultural norms used in translating the name of month.
DateTimeFormatter formatter =
.ofPattern("dd-MMM-yyyy HH:mm")
.withLocale( Locale.US );
See this code run live at IdeOne.com.