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Unable to search sub-string from Ansible variable

I'm trying to create a directory in Ansible if the variable contains the string 7.0.0.GA

Below is my playbook:

- name: Determine the version of Tom
  raw: "cat {{ homefound.path | dirname }}/version.txt | grep -i version"
  register: Tomver

- debug:
    msg: "Tom VERSION IS: {{ Tomver.stdout }}"

- name: Create patch folder /app/Tom_Patches/7.0 on target servers
    path: /app/Tom_Patches/7.0
    state: directory
    mode: '0755'
  when: Tomver.stdout is match('7.0.0.GA*')

In the output I can see that the variable has string 7.0.0.GA but still when condition fails and skips.


TASK [debug] ***********************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [] => {
    "msg": "Tom VERSION IS: Red Hat Tom Enterprise Application Platform - Version 7.0.0.GA\r\n"

TASK [Create patch folder /app/Tom_Patches/7.0 on target servers] ****************************************************************************************************
skipping: []

I even tried the following condition check but that too fails:

  when: Tomver.stdout | join('') | search('7.0.0.GA')

I prefer using raw module instead of command or shell module to avoid python dependency.

Can someone please suggest?


  • you can have a try with the in

    when: "'7.0.0.GA' in res.stdout"