I'm working on a subclass of default Android WebView with some additional functionality (content-filtering) on the top. So i override shouldInterceptRequest(...)
and prevent loading of some resource (let's say images with filename "image.png").
Now i want to test this functionality with the help of Espresso-Web. So i do start embedded http server (with WireMock) and load some webpage that uses that "image.png" and it's expected to be blocked.
How can i assert the state of DOM element with id "someId"?
I expected to have smth like:
.withElement(findElement(Locator.ID, blockImageId)) // finds the DOM node
.check(webMatches(getProperty("naturalWidth"), equalTo("0"))) // "getProperty"?
What i need is smth like "getProperty()" that just generates JS to access the property of node found by findElement(Locator.ID, blockImageId)
, is there anything out-of-box?
I was able to find getText()
but it seems it does it in completely different way (so i can't just request another "node property"):
/** Returns the visible text beneath a given DOM element. */
public static Atom<String> getText() {
return new GetTextTransformingAtom(new GetVisibleTextSimpleAtom(), castOrDie(String.class));
I was able to do it in JS way:
// JS-way helpers
const val naturalWidth = "naturalWidth"
const val notBlockedImageWidth = 50
const val blockedImageWidth = 0
fun getPropertyForElementId(elementId: String, property: String): Atom<String> =
"""return String(document.getElementById("$elementId").$property);""",
fun imageIsBlocked(elementId: String): WebAssertion<String>? = WebViewAssertions.webMatches(
getPropertyForElementId(elementId, naturalWidth),
equalTo(blockedImageWidth.toString())) {
"""An image with id="$elementId" IS expected to be blocked, but it's NOT."""
// part of the test
val redImage = "image.png"
| <img id="$blockImageId" src="${blockingPathPrefix}$redImage"/>
| <img id="$notBlockImageId" src="$greenImage"/>
.withTimeout(1, TimeUnit.SECONDS) // it's already loaded
.check(imageIsBlocked(blockImageId)) // red image IS blocked
.check(imageIsNotBlocked(notBlockImageId)) // green image is NOT blocked
I do understand that the way i did it is suboptimal as it joins everything: searching of the node and accessing at once and i wonder what's the right way to do it. Any suggestions, links?
PS. "naturalWidth" is just a property that helps me in this particular case. In common case i just need to access a property of found DOM node and it can be some other property next time (eg "style.display" to check element visibility).
PS. Can anybody explain how to write WebDriverAtomScripts
, eg. smth similar to WebDriverAtomScripts.GET_VISIBLE_TEXT_ANDROID
is there anything out-of-box?
The answer to your question is "no", I don't think there is anything better out-of-the-box than creating an Atom
like you are doing (or similar approaches like Atoms.scriptWithArgs
or subclassing SimpleAtom
Your best bet is to file a feature request here (and then maybe propose/contribute an implementation): https://github.com/android/android-test
You can assert on the html document with xpath, but that won't work for computed DOM node attributes like you are looking for.
.check(webContent(hasElementWithXpath("//*[@id=\"myButton\" and @type=\"button\"]")))