I have a list of Users . Now i want to replace a User satisfying the condition if user.getAge() is equal to 25 then a method will change that user object properties and add it to the existing list replacing the old User. How we can do this in Java 8. I have come this much
List<User> usersWithModifiedUsers = users.stream().filter(e-> e.getAge()>25).map(e-> modify(e))
But confused with the rest, can anyone help ?
Try this.
If you just want the list of modified users, then filter and map.
List<User> usersModified = users
.filter(e-e.getAge() > 25)
If you want all the users with the altered and unaltered, then do a map.
users = users
.map(e-> e.getAge() > 25 ? modify(e) : e )
Note that in the first case, you should be able to pass a method reference for modify