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Wildfly 18 - WFLYCTL0362: Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=http' are not available

I am migrating my jboss eap 6 to wildfly 18 as we are moving our application from java 6 to java 8 . I am new to wildfly 18, while starting the server I am getting below error -

09:22:59,671 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0362: Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/https-listener=https' are not available:; Possible registration points for this capability: 
09:22:59,672 ERROR [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYCTL0362: Capabilities required by resource '/subsystem=undertow/server=default-server/http-listener=http' are not available:; Possible registration points for this capability: 
09:22:59,678 FATAL [] (Controller Boot Thread) WFLYSRV0056: Server boot has failed in an unrecoverable manner; exiting. See previous messages for details.**
09:22:59,698 INFO  [] (MSC service thread 1-6) WFLYSRV0050: WildFly Full 18.0.0.Final (WildFly Core 10.0.0.Final) stopped in 13ms

I changed socket bindinfs in standalone.xml file and standalone-ha.xmlAdded Socket binding changes in both files -

As i copied all these sockets from previous jboss eap 6 files. Can i get explanation why these different 2 socket bindings needed and also worked in jboss?

What capabilities is it searching for? do i need to add some externals?

Need suggestions on this .. Do am i missing something in standalone.xml file? or package in module folder? I am confused, need to solve this issue as soon i can.. Thank you in advance!!


  • For this error - https , management-https ports were missing in standalone-ha.xml. We have to sure it should be there in both standalone and standalone-ha xml files.