I want to create a schema, with arrays for names of participants at an event, I make the list of participants by doing so:
How can I validate that the length of this array is either zero (no participants at this event) or 2, and not 1 (it is a two people per team event). I want to return an error message that I can handle with ValidationError
I am adding data to this schema like so:
var school = new School();
where req.body.quiz = ["name1","name2"]
or ['','']
and then, if only 1 field has a string value, I want to parse an error to the repsonse body like so:
function handleValidationError(err, body) {
for (field in err.errors) {
switch (err.errors[field].path) {
case "quizPart":
body["quizPartError"] = err.errors[field].message;
Made the field:
And then verified the field by:
alNumRegex= /^[a-z0-9]+$/i
return list[0]!=="" && list[1]!=="" || alNumRegex.test(list[0]) && alNumRegex.test(list[1]);
},'Please Register atleast two participants for quiz.');