The Julia Pkg documentation tells how to initiate an environment ($ activate $ENV-NAME
), but it probably lacks the handy command to switch to the already created special environment. Also, I'm having trouble finding a command that shows all already created environments on the list, hence, if I have forgotten the names of the environments previously created, I need to do a manual search through the Julia-related folders...
So far, the verbatim help
command in Julia REPL provides a poor description and so does the related Pkg-documentation webpage.
Another possible general answer to this predicament is to start using the Playground.jl module, which was recommended here on Medium:
However, the direct download attempt with Pkg repeatedly fails since the Pkg isn't able to find the package in the suggested GH project.
Thanks beforehand for any recommendations.
In package manager prompt just type activate @
and press tab
-key. The REPLs autocomplete will show you the possible environments.