I have the following 2D array
54 65 22 34 11
43 12 44 22
I have the following vector syntax:
vector<vector<int>> data;
vector<int> row_1 = data[0]; // return 54 65 22 34 11
vector<int> row_2 = data[1]; // return 43 12 44 22
Is there a way I can make the row_1 and row_2 vector into this:
int *row_1 = new int[5] // return 54 65 22 34 11
int *row_2 = new int[4] // return 43 12 44 22
Ensure the vector is the same as the new int array you are trying to store it as. Probably best to allocate it with row_1 vector size:
vector<int> row_1_vec = data[0]; // return 54 65 22 34 11
vector<int> row_2_vec = data[1]; // return 43 12 44 22
int* row_1 = new int[row_1_vec.size()];
int* row_2 = new int[row_2_vec.size()];
Now traverse through the vector:
for(int val = 0; val < row_1_vec.size(); val++)
row_1[val] = row_1_vec[val];
for(int val = 0; val < row_2_vec.size(); val++)
row_2[val] = row_2_vec[val];
Make sure when you are done using row_1 and row_2 to delete it by doing
delete[] row_1;
delete[] row_2;