So I'm trying to make in Ruby so that it "Idk how to express myself" parse JSON from this API so the output is:
{"infected"=>19334, "deceased"=>429, "recovered"=>14047, "tested"=>515395, "tested24hours"=>8393, "infected24hours"=>351, "deceased24hours"=>11, "sourceUrl"=>"", "lastUpdatedAtApify"=>"2020-07-15T14:00:00.000Z", "readMe"=>""}
and I would like it to only show for example "infected"=>19334,
as number 19334
I'm new to Ruby programming I'm still learning it since it's COVID pandemic and lockdown I have more of free time and it kinda makes sense to make something related to it.
This is what I've done so far:
require 'httparty'
require 'json'
url = ''
response = HTTParty.get(url)
re = response.parsed_response
puts re
Sure, you do it like this:
=> 19334
HTTPParty parsed response returns a hash, so you access the value by the key. If the key is a "string", you access using a "string". If they key is a :symbol, you access with a :symbol.