I have a component for example:
const pretty = styled.div`
--nth-child: 5n;
--size: 20px; //css variable
width: var(--size);
&:nth-child(var(--nth-child)) {
@media (max-width: 768px) {
--size: 12px;
--nth-child: 3n;
The question is how to interpolate css variable in this place?
&:nth-child(var(--nth-child)) {
If I understood correctly this is impossible so it would be nice to find another solution
Note: I can't use JS variables in my case
Also editor highlights the error there:
so I tried this, but this does not work either:
&:nth-child(${css`var(--nth-child)`}) {
margin-right: 0;
So you can't use CSS variables for anything but property declarations. They don't work in selectors.
But I think you should be able to achieve the same here by other means. I know you mentioned I can't use JS variables in my case
and probably your usecase is less straightforward than the example, but can't you either just use React props interpolation that comes with styled-components
&:nth-child(${p => p.nthChildLargeScreen}) {
@media (max-width: 768px) {
&:nth-child(${p => p.nthChildLargeScreen}) {
//...reverse styles from above...
&:nth-child(${p => p.nthChildSmallScreen}) {
Or even just global variables?
&:nth-child(${NTH_CHILD_LARGE_SCREEN}) {
If you can write the styled component, and define CSS variables, in the first place, seems like you should be able to do at least one of the above instead.