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gRPC Java cannot find a NameResolver when using in OSGi bundle

I am trying to use JAVA gRPC in an OSGi bundle. I am using maven and using org.apache.servicemix.bundles.grpc-1.30.2_1 which is locally built from the release tag for 1.30.2_1.

The OSGi bundle starts up fine without any issue but at runtime when a ManageChannel is created I get a java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot find a NameResolver for localhost:4435 exception.

The relevant part of the stacktrace

java.lang.IllegalArgumentException: cannot find a NameResolver for localhost:4435
    at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl.getNameResolver( ~[org.apache.servicemix.bundles.grpc-1.30.2_1.jar:?]
    at io.grpc.internal.ManagedChannelImpl.<init>( ~[org.apache.servicemix.bundles.grpc-1.30.2_1.jar:?]
    at ~[org.apache.servicemix.bundles.grpc-1.30.2_1.jar:?]

When I debug the gRPC code at runtime I can see that there is zero NameResolvers added. I think that this can be a classloading issue.

This is part of the config from the Apache Felix plugin,

    org.apache.servicemix.bundles.grpc.*; version="1.30.2_1",

Channel building code (This is using

ManagedChannel channel = NettyChannelBuilder.forAddress("localhost", 4435)

I only need to get the gRPC client working in the OSGi bundle. Any help on this is much appreciated.


  • Adding the relevant gRPC providers in the META-INF/services worked.

    Got it figured out by referencing this, which also uses gRPC inside a OSGi bundle