So, inside the game loop function that tracks user input is called multiple times. I guess this happens because game loop goes like 40 iterations each second and if I hold down the key for a 0.5 second, function gets called 20 times. I tried to handle this with sfml events too but it didn't work window.setKeyRepeatEnabled(false)
. How can I solve this?
//this gets called 20-30times
if (sf::Keyboard::isKeyPressed(sf::Keyboard::Left))
Use two boolean flags: One for checking if the key is pressed or not, and one that is used to check if the action have happened yet.
In short something like
if (key_is_pressed)
if (!action_have_happened)
// Perform action...
action_have_happened = true;
// Else: Action have already happened this key-press, don't do it again
When the key is released reset both flags (to false