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Problem installing Eclipse Hono - No resource found in hono namespace

We are having some trouble installing Eclipse Hono on CentOS 8. We are following the official getting started guide and it seems to be running, but the step to verify the installation keeps failing and we can't access Hono as described in the guide.

After following the installation steps, kubectl get svc gives us the output

NAME                                    TYPE           CLUSTER-IP       EXTERNAL-IP   PORT(S)                           AGE
hono-adapter-amqp-vertx                 LoadBalancer     <pending>     5672:32672/TCP,5671:32671/TCP     13d
hono-adapter-amqp-vertx-headless        ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                            13d
hono-adapter-http-vertx                 LoadBalancer    <pending>     8080:30080/TCP,8443:30443/TCP     13d
hono-adapter-http-vertx-headless        ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                            13d
hono-adapter-mqtt-vertx                 LoadBalancer   <pending>     1883:31883/TCP,8883:30883/TCP     13d
hono-adapter-mqtt-vertx-headless        ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                            13d
hono-artemis                            ClusterIP     <none>        5671/TCP                          13d
hono-dispatch-router                    ClusterIP   <none>        5673/TCP                          13d
hono-dispatch-router-ext                LoadBalancer      <pending>     15671:30671/TCP,15672:30672/TCP   13d
hono-grafana                            ClusterIP     <none>        3000/TCP                          13d
hono-prometheus-server                  ClusterIP    <none>        9090/TCP                          13d
hono-service-auth                       ClusterIP    <none>        5671/TCP                          13d
hono-service-auth-headless              ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                            13d
hono-service-device-registry            ClusterIP     <none>        5671/TCP,8443/TCP                 13d
hono-service-device-registry-ext        LoadBalancer     <pending>     28080:31080/TCP,28443:31443/TCP   13d
hono-service-device-registry-headless   ClusterIP      None             <none>        <none>                            13d
kubernetes                              ClusterIP        <none>        443/TCP                           13d

However, the command kubectl get service -n hono that the Helm chart readme suggests for verifying the installation fails with "No resource found in hono namespace". There is definitely a hono namespace though, because kubectl create namespace hono says that the namespace already exists. The next steps in the guide also fail and we can't seem to find a way to access the installation, e.g. by creating a tenant, accessing the default tenant or similar. For example, the command

export REGISTRY_IP=$(kubectl get service eclipse-hono-service-device-registry-ext --output="jsonpath={.status.loadBalance
r.ingress[0]['hostname','ip']}" -n hono)

suggested for finding the registry's IP fails with "Error from server (NotFound): services "eclipse-hono-service-device-registry-ext" not found". The same when omitting the eclipse- prefix.

Is there a way to find out what went wrong with our installation and how to correct it? Or how to access Hono? I have to admit we're pretty inexperienced with this kind of technology, so I apologize if we're missing something really obvious.


  • It looks like you haven't started a load balancer for routing requests to the services as described here.