I am adding the Google One Tap api to a React application. I am correctly getting the one tap login modal showing up. However, I clicked to close the modal, and now am getting the following response, which I see is based on the cool down period for this api:
"g": "display",
"h": false,
"j": "suppressed_by_user"
Since I am testing the application, is there a way to override this cool down period?
Looks like the following:
componentDidMount() {
const handleCredentialResponse = response => {
const client_id = "424242424-example26example44examplexyz.apps.googleusercontent.com";
const callback = handleCredentialResponse;
const auto_select = true;
google.accounts.id.initialize({ client_id, callback, auto_select });
google.accounts.id.prompt(notification => {
I think I've solved the issue. I had to follow the following guide in order to fully clear out the cache for the localhost:3000
: https://superuser.com/questions/278948/clear-cache-for-specific-domain-name-in-chrome
F12 > Chrome Developer Tools
> Application
tab > Clear storage
in left tree > Select all data items > click Clear site data