I have a table, that is updated every minute and I need to calculate the average value of each hour, for the values of the last 30 days.
Timestamp | SB1_AC_GES_DIFF
2020-07-14 15:13:04 30
2020-07-14 15:12:07 27
... ...
I want to save the results in a second table named avgTable like this
Timestamp | AVG_SB1
15:00 29
16:00 32
... ...
It would be perfect if the table could update itself once a day, maybe when it's 12 o'clock and the the date part for the day changes.
You can just use the hour()
select hour(timestamp) as hh, avg(sb1_ac_ges_diff)
from t
group by hh;
You can convert this to a string or time if you want, but that does not seem useful to me.
If you actually want the hour for each day, then:
select date(timestamp) as dd, hour(timestamp) as hh, avg(sb1_ac_ges_diff)
from t
group by dd, hh;