while working with Xmlbeans, I have noticed that when an element is defined as a restriction from a mixed type, if there is some text in this element the Xmlbeans validation fails.However the same xml file is valid if I run it against schema validation in XmlSpy. Here is the example (I tried to make it as simple as possible):
xml schema:
<xs:schema xmlns:xs="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema" elementFormDefault="qualified" attributeFormDefault="unqualified">
<xs:element name="RootElement">
<xs:documentation>Comment describing your root element</xs:documentation>
<xs:element ref="Child"/>
<xs:element ref="ChildExtended"/>
<xs:element ref="ChildRestricted"/>
<xs:element name="Child" type="MixedType"/>
<xs:element name="ChildRestricted" type="MixedTypeRestricted"/>
<xs:element name="ChildExtended" type="MixedTypeExtended"/>
<xs:complexType name="MixedType" mixed="true"/>
<xs:complexType name="MixedTypeExtended" mixed="true">
<xs:complexContent mixed="true">
<xs:extension base="MixedType"/>
<xs:complexType name="MixedTypeRestricted" mixed="true">
<xs:complexContent mixed="true">
<xs:restriction base="MixedType"/>
xml file:
<RootElement xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance">
For XmlSpy, this is valid. Here's what I get when validating with Xmlbeans :
Message: Element 'ChildRestricted' with empty content type cannot have text or element content.
Location of invalid XML: <xml-fragment xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"/>
As you can see, it is just the child defined as a restricted type that causes the problem. My question is : who is right ? XmlSpy (no error) or Xmlbeans ?
As has already been commented in issue XMLBEANS-457 you created, revision 1102771 fixes the issue.