Im trying to write a program using cobol, when i try to run the program it always display the Abend s0000 u4038, well i know whats the problem , but i dont know how to fix it
So i have a variable
01 Ws-data.
05 ws-branch-no pic 9(04).
01 Ws-data2.
05 branch-no pic 9(07) comp-3.
Procedure division.
Move branch-no to ws-branch-no.
Display ws-branch-no.
stop run.
okay like that , so the value in branch-no is '0000021' , when i try to move to ws-branch-no it got abend u4038
The contents of data item WS-BRANCH-NO at the time of reference by statement number 1 on line 11742 failed the NUMERIC class test or contained a value larger than the PICTURE clause as detected by the
NUMCHECK compiler option.
i think that because the value in branch-no is 0000021 and the picture clause i set in ws-branch-no is only pic 9(04). but the point is i want the ws-branch-no value become 0021 when it moved to the ws-branch-no.
can anyone help? Thankyou
well i know whats the problem , but i dont know how to fix it i think that because the value in branch-no is 0000021 and the picture clause i set in ws-branch-no is only pic 9(04).
No, this isn't the problem (at lest I'm very sure that the system you use is not that broken). The NUMCHECK option will only be triggered if:
I suggest to add a simple check:
IF branch-no NOT NUMERIC
DISPLAY 'SHOULD NEVER HAPPEN: ' branch-no ' - ' ws-data2
IF branch-no > 9999
DISPLAY 'TOO BIG : ' branch-no ' - ' ws-data2
MOVE branch-no TO ws-branch-no
DISPLAY ws-branch-no.