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Making class instance reactive in Svelte using stores

I am learning Svelte by creating simple app.

The logic is written using classes. The idea is, that all the data needed comes from class instance properties. Instances should not be instantiated more than once. I am using stores to provide components this instances.

The problem is I can't get reactivity using this approach. I tried readable and writable stores and nothing helps. It is still possible to get reactivity using OOP and what can I do? Reassignment and creating new instances will be expensive.


I can't make up the example in REPL cause the class is too big.


export default class Parser {
  constructor() {
    this._history = [];

  parse(string) {

  get history() {
    return this._history;

Here I pass instance to the store.


import writable from "svelte/store";
import Parser from "Parser.js"

export const parserStore = writable(new Parser());

In this component I get the instance and use reactively a method.


import { parserStore } from "parserStore.js";

$: result = parserStore.parse(binded_input_value);

What I want to get is the up to time history property that was updated from using class method:


import { parserStore } from "parserStore.js";

$: history = parserStore.history;

{#each history as ... }

I know, it is not the best example, but what I want is reactive class instance available through the store. Actually the values are up to date, but it is not causing the re-render of the components. When the component is mounted - data of the latest, but after nothing re-renders at all even so the properties of the instance is changed.


  • Short answer

    As far as I know you cannot do this, this way.

    Longer answer

    There might be, depending on some factors (like preferences, existing libraries, etc...), ways around it.

    Solution 1: use stores in the class

    The first and most straightforward one is to use stores in the class itself:


    import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
    class Parser {
      constructor() {
        this._history = writable([])
      parse(string) {
        this._history.update(v => [...v, string])
      get history() {
        return this._history;


    import { Parser } from './Parser.js'¨
    export const parser = new Parser()


        import { parser } from './parserStore.js';
        let value
        let { history } = parser
        $: parser.parse(value);
    <input bind:value />
    {#each $history as h}<p>{h}</p>{/each}

    Notice how only the history part of this class would be a store.

    Solution 2: Rewrite using Custom Store

    This approach is, in essence, very close to the previous one but is slightly more common in the Svelte Community. It technically just wraps the build in stores to get some extra functionality.


    import { writable } from 'svelte/store'
    export const parser = (() => {
        const P = writable([])  
        const { set, subscribe, update } = P    
        function parse(string) {
            P.update(arr => [...arr, string])
        return {


        import { parser } from './parserStore.js';
        let value
        $: parser.parse(value)
    <input bind:value />
    {#each $parser as h}<p>{h}</p>{/each}

    Note that here there is not history property anymore, you iterate straight over parser, if you still want the history property you have to adjust the code slightly:


      return {
        history: { subscribe }


      const { history } = parser
    {#each $history as h}<p>{h}</p>{/each}