I'm beginner in storybook, trying to create stories of a simple button and a button with icons. I want to be able to switch the icons in the button from the knobs section. For eg:
export const textButton = () => ({
components: { PButton },
template: `<p-button
props: {
color: {
default: select(
["transparent", "black", "blue", "orange"],
label: { default: text("label", "Button") }
Above is the story for a simple button which I'm able to switch the colors from the knobs section. Similarly, I want the correct syntax for the template so I can switch the icons inside the button which are separate components.
export const textWithIcon = () => ({
components: { PButton, Arrow, Bullet, Check, Chevron, Cross, Delete, Edit, Info, Lock, Play, Plus, Search, UpDown, Upload },
template: `<p-button
<template v-slot:icon>{{icon}}</template>
props: {
icon: {
default: select('icon', ['<Arrow />', '<Bullet />', '<Check />', '<Chevron />', '<Cross />', '<Delete />', '<Edit />', '<Info />', '<Lock />', '<Play />', '<Plus />', '<Search />', '<UpDown />', '<Upload />'], '<Arrow />'),
label: { default: text('label', 'Button') },
How do I achieve this? what is the correct format? Somebody please guide me, or send a link to the docs. I couldn't find anything related to this requirement.
I solved this by using the
<component v-bind:is="currentTabComponent"></component>
So i had to just supply the name string to the component, make sure to import all components.