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Why does this readline async iterator not work properly?

This is part of a larger process that I've distilled down to the minimal, reproducible example in node v14.4.0. In this code, it outputs nothing from inside the for loop.

I see only this output in the console:

before for() loop

The for await (const line1 of rl1) loop never goes into the for loop - it just skips right over it:

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const { once } = require('events');

async function test(file1, file2) {
    try {
        const stream1 = fs.createReadStream(file1);
        await once(stream1, 'open');
        const rl1 = readline.createInterface({input: stream1, crlfDelay: Infinity});

        const stream2 = fs.createReadStream(file2);
        await once(stream2, 'open');
        const rl2 = readline.createInterface({input: stream2, crlfDelay: Infinity});

        console.log('before for() loop');
        for await (const line1 of rl1) {
    } finally {

test("data/numbers.txt", "data/letters.txt").then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
    console.log('Got rejected promise:', err);

But, if I remove either of the await once(stream, 'open') statements, then the for loop does exactly what it is expected to (lists all the lines of the rl1 file). So, apparently, there's some timing problem with the async iterator from the readline interface between that and the stream. Any ideas what could be going on. Any idea what could be causing this one or how to work around it?

FYI, the await once(stream, 'open') is there because of another bug in the async iterator where it does not reject if there's an issue opening the file whereas the await once(stream, 'open') causes you to properly get a rejection if the file can't be opened (essentially pre-flighting the open).

If you're wondering why the stream2 code is there, it is used in the larger project, but I've reduced this example down to the minimal, reproducible example and only this much of the code is needed to demonstrate the problem.

Edit: In trying a slightly different implementation, I found that if I combine the two once(stream, "open") calls in a Promise.all(), that it then works. So, this works:

const fs = require('fs');
const readline = require('readline');
const { once } = require('events');

async function test(file1, file2) {
    try {
        const stream1 = fs.createReadStream(file1);
        const rl1 = readline.createInterface({input: stream1, crlfDelay: Infinity});
        const stream2 = fs.createReadStream(file2);
        const rl2 = readline.createInterface({input: stream2, crlfDelay: Infinity});
        // pre-flight file open to catch any open errors here
        // because of existing bug in async iterator with file open errors
        await Promise.all([once(stream1, "open"), once(stream2, "open")]);

        console.log('before for() loop');
        for await (const line1 of rl1) {
    } finally {

test("data/numbers.txt", "data/letters.txt").then(() => {
}).catch(err => {
    console.log('Got rejected promise:', err);

This is obviously not supposed to be sensitive to exactly how you wait for file open There's some timing bug somewhere. I'd like to find that bug on either readline or readStream and file it. Any ideas?


  • It turns out the underlying issue is that readline.createInterface() immediately, upon calling it will add a data event listener (code reference here) and resume the stream to start the stream flowing.

    input.on('data', ondata);



    Then, in the ondata listener, it parses the data for lines and when it finds a line, it fires a line events here.

    for (let n = 0; n < lines.length; n++)

    But, in my examples, there were other asynchronous things happening between the time that readline.createInterface() was called and the async iterator was created (that would listen for the line events). So, line events were being emitted and nothing was yet listening for them.

    So, to work properly readline.createInterface() REQUIRES that whatever is going to listen for the line events MUST be added synchronously after calling readline.createInterface() or there is a race condition and line events may get lost.

    In my original code example, a reliable way to work-around it is to not call readline.createInterface() until after I've done the await once(...). Then, the asynchronous iterator will be created synchronously right after readline.createInterface() is called.

    const fs = require('fs');
    const readline = require('readline');
    const { once } = require('events');
    async function test(file1, file2) {
        try {
            const stream1 = fs.createReadStream(file1);
            const stream2 = fs.createReadStream(file2);
            // wait for both files to be open to catch any "open" errors here
            // since readline has bugs about not properly reporting file open errors
            // this await must be done before either call to readline.createInterface()
            // to avoid race conditions that can lead to lost lines of data
            await Promise.all([once(stream1, "open"), once(stream2, "open")]);
            const rl1 = readline.createInterface({input: stream1, crlfDelay: Infinity});
            const rl2 = readline.createInterface({input: stream2, crlfDelay: Infinity});
            console.log('before for() loop');
            for await (const line1 of rl1) {
        } finally {
    test("data/numbers.txt", "data/letters.txt").then(() => {
    }).catch(err => {
        console.log('Got rejected promise:', err);

    One way to fix this general issue would be to change readline.createInterface() so that it does not add the data event and resume the stream UNTIL somebody adds a line event listener. This would prevent data loss. It would allow the readline interface object to sit there quietly without losing data until the receiver of its output was actually ready. This would work for the async iterator and it would also prevent other uses of the interface that had other asynchronous code mixed in from possibly losing line events.

    Note about this added to a related open readline bug issue here.