I'm supposed to use the crypt( ) function in a homework assignment. It's an old C method, which is probably pretty insecure, but it's just for demonstrative purposes.
The only thing, I can't figure out how to use the dang function. I'm using CLion as my IDE on Ubuntu. It's supposed to be defined in the <crypt.h> or <unistd.h>, but I cannot get this thing to compile. The crypt( ) function has an "undefined reference" error after building the project. I know it's one of those two libraries, though - so what's up? Is there an issue with linking to that library or something? I've read around and come across "use -lcrypt", but I'm not entirely sure what to do with that inside CLion. The only explanations were involving make files; which, didn't apply to me (or they did, and I didn't know how it related). There's not much documentation for it, either, because of how outdated the function is.
Thanks, all.
EDIT: Thanks, Eugene! I think I figured this one out. . .
target_link_libraries(CryptExample -lcrypt)
In the CMake file.
To anyone that stumbles upon this in the future, add
target_link_libraries(CryptExample -lcrypt)
to your CMakeLists.txt in the CLion IDE. It should be put under the add_executable(. . .) line. Replace "CryptExample" with whatever you named your project.