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Amazon connect hello world lambda integration always errors

I have a simple java lambda function which has the following code

       public String handleRequest(Map<String, Object> input, Context context) {
        Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
           put("status", "success");
        String resultStr = new GsonBuilder().create().toJson(result, HashMap.class);"ended function successfully " + resultStr);

        return resultStr;

I can see in the cloudwatch the following lines

    START RequestId: 1b0ff049-3a61-4874-9172-9bee142dc076 Version: $LATEST
    2020-07-11 00:52:26 INFO KVSTriggerLamda:53 - ended function successfully {"result":"Success"}
    END RequestId: 1b0ff049-3a61-4874-9172-9bee142dc076

My Amazon connects call triggers this function and plays a simple prompt of "Success" or "Error" depending on the state. I always get "error"

What should the correct return value? I have followed aws documentation which specifies that I need to provide a simple flat JSON return value.


  • I finally got it working by just returning the Map itself.

    Map<String, String> result = new HashMap<String, String>() {{
       put("status", "success");
    return result;

    Thanks to @tgdavies comments -

    The output type can be an object or void.