I am using gulp-notify to display extra information in the terminal when a task is run. Currently I can only get the full path on my HD and file name. I would prefer to only display the project folders as it is cleaner.
function copyVideo (done) {
// Locate files
return gulp.src('./src/assets/video/*')
// Copy the files to the dist folder
// Notify the files copied in the terminal
.pipe(notify('Copied <%= file.relative %> to <%= file.path %>')),
Terminal view
I would like the terminal to simply say *Copied quick-scope-for-6.mp4 to \dist\assets\video*
I have tried <%= folder.path %> and <%= directory.path %>
With the form of notify(Function)
(as documented here),
you can use the built-in path.relative
method to get the destination path relative to your project folder.
var path = require('path');
// ...
function copyVideo (done) {
// Locate files
return gulp.src('./src/assets/video/*')
// Copy the files to the dist folder
// Notify the files copied in the terminal
.pipe(notify(file => {
var destFolder = path.dirname(file.path);
var projectFolder = path.dirname(module.id); // Also available as `module.path`
return `Copied ${file.relative} to ${path.relative(projectFolder, destFolder)}`;