I have a program which builds a very large tree from input data and traverses it, both by recursion. I have tested the program on smaller inputs (and thus smaller trees) and it functions as intended. However when the input data is much larger i run into 'Process is terminated due to StackOverflowException'. I assume this is due to the stack running out of space. Is there any way to prevent this or do I have to switch to building the tree via iteration instead? Or perhaps I am missing a case of infinite recursion somewhere?
Here is the code:
class Program
static int[] tileColors;
static Color[] colors;
static int totalTiles;
static void Main(string[] args)
Stopwatch s = new Stopwatch();
string[] data = File.ReadAllLines("colors.txt");
totalTiles = int.Parse(data[0].Split(' ')[0]);
int totalColors = int.Parse(data[0].Split(' ')[1]);
string[] colorsRaw = data[1].Split(' ');
tileColors = new int[totalTiles];
for (int i = 0; i < totalTiles; i++)
tileColors[i] = int.Parse(colorsRaw[i]) - 1;
colors = new Color[totalColors];
for (int i = 3; i < data.Length; i++)
string[] raw = data[i].Split(' ');
int[] pair = new int[] { int.Parse(raw[0]) - 1, int.Parse(raw[1]) - 1 };
if (colors[pair[0]] == null)
colors[pair[0]] = new Color(pair[1]);
if (colors[pair[1]] == null)
colors[pair[1]] = new Color(pair[0]);
Tree t = new Tree();
t.root = new Node(0);
long ans = t.CountMatchingLeaves(t.root, totalTiles - 1) % 1000000007;
static void PopulateTree(Node root)
for (int i = root.tile + 1; i < totalTiles; i++)
if (colors[tileColors[i]] == null) continue;
if (colors[tileColors[i]].Compatible(tileColors[root.tile]))
var node = new Node(i);
class Color
public List<int> pairs = new List<int>();
public Color(int pair)
public bool Compatible(int c)
return pairs.Contains(c);
class Node
public List<Node> children = new List<Node>();
public int tile;
public Node(int tile)
this.tile = tile;
class Tree
public Node root;
public List<Node> GetMatchingLeaves(Node root, int match)
if (root.children.Count == 0)
if (root.tile == match)
return new List<Node>() { root };
return new List<Node>();
List<Node> list = new List<Node>();
foreach(var c in root.children)
list.AddRange(GetMatchingLeaves(c, match));
return list;
public long CountMatchingLeaves(Node root, int match)
if (root.children.Count == 0)
if (root.tile == match)
return 1;
return 0;
long count = 0;
foreach (var c in root.children)
count += CountMatchingLeaves(c, match);
return count;
You can always rewrite recursion as iteration, usually by using a stack class rather than rely on your thread's stack. For your code it would look like this:
static void PopulateTree(Node start)
var nodes = new Stack<Node>();
while(nodes.Count != 0)
var root = nodes.Pop();
for (int i = root.tile + 1; i < totalTiles; i++)
if (colors[tileColors[i]] == null) continue;
if (colors[tileColors[i]].Compatible(tileColors[root.tile]))
var node = new Node(i);
The while
loop checking for more items is the equivalent of your terminating condition in recursion.