Update 1 9.July.2020: At least two issues. Sorry, I can't get the editor to format the text properly.
The field names need to have a fields. prefix.
QueryBuilder queryBuilder = QueryBuilder.New.FieldExists("fields.myurl", true).FieldEquals("fields.myurl", "/");
It seems necessary to iterate content types.
Unhandled exception. Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulException: A Content Type ID is required. When querying for Entries and involving fields you need to limit your query to a specific Content Type. Please send a Content Type ID (not the name) as the URI query parameter "content_type"
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.CreateExceptionForFailedRequest(HttpResponseMessage res) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 142
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.EnsureSuccessfulResult(HttpResponseMessage response) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 320
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.SendHttpRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 264
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.SendHttpRequest(String url, HttpMethod method, String authToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken, HttpContent content, Nullable1 version, String contentTypeId, String organisationId, List
1 additionalHeaders) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 257
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.Get(String url, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 654
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.GetEntries[T](String queryString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 188
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.GetEntries[T](QueryBuilder`1 queryBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 171
at cfclt.Program.Main(String[] args) in C:\temp\deliverystack\cfclt\Program.cs:line 33
So this works:
QueryBuilder<Entry> queryBuilder = QueryBuilder<Entry>.New.ContentTypeIs("firstContentType").FieldExists("fields.url", true).FieldEquals("fields.url", "/");
I guess I will iterate the content types and create threads to query.
Original Thread:
I would like to use the Contentful .NET SDK (https://www.contentful.com/developers/docs/net/) to implement the content delivery tier for a web application.
One of my first issues is how to map the incoming HTTP request to an entry in Contentful without storing any relevant configuration in the content delivery tier. I want to pass a URL and have the SDK return a hydrated object of the appropriate type.
I put a text field named URL in my entries that should have URLs. I want to query all content types to find any Entries that have a specific value in that URL field.
I tried a few queries, but always get exceptions:
QueryBuilder<Entry> queryBuilder = QueryBuilder<Entry>.New.ContentTypeIs("firstContentType").FieldExists("url", true).FieldEquals("url", "/");
ContentfulCollection<Entry> entries = client.GetEntries(queryBuilder).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Unhandled exception. Contentful.Core.Errors.ContentfulException: The query you sent was invalid. Probably a filter or ordering specification is not applicable to the type of a field.[
"name": "unknown",
"path": [
"details": "The path \"url\" is not recognized"
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.CreateExceptionForFailedRequest(HttpResponseMessage res) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 142
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.EnsureSuccessfulResult(HttpResponseMessage response) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 320
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.SendHttpRequest(HttpRequestMessage request, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 264
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClientBase.SendHttpRequest(String url, HttpMethod method, String authToken, CancellationToken cancellationToken, HttpContent content, Nullable`1 version, String contentTypeId, String organisationId, List`1 additionalHeaders) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClientBase.cs:line 257
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.Get(String url, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 654
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.GetEntries[T](String queryString, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 188
at Contentful.Core.ContentfulClient.GetEntries[T](QueryBuilder`1 queryBuilder, CancellationToken cancellationToken) in C:\temp\deliverystack\Contentful.Core\ContentfulClient.cs:line 171
I am relatively certain that there is an entry of firstContentType with a value of / in its URL field. What am I doing wrong?
Why/how can it be so hard to do something so basic with a headless CMS? See this; it's like a rabbit hole that I don't have time to explore.
If needed, I would not mind iterating the content types, but I'm not sure that it is worth the effort if query doesn't work anyway?
You need to specify the entire path to the field you're filtering on. So .FieldExists("fields.url", true).FieldEquals("fields.url", "/")
should do the trick.