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Exponential compilation times with simple typelist implementation. Why?

I am trying my hand at C++ type lists. Below is a trivial implementation of a type list filter function. It seems to work except that compilation times in both gcc and clang are horrific beyond say 18 elements. I was wondering what improvements I could make to make this practical.

#include <type_traits>

// a type list
template <class... T> struct tl ;

// helper filter for type list 
template <class IN_TL, class OUT_TL, template <typename> class P>
struct filter_tl_impl;

// Base case
template <class... Ts, template <typename> class P>
// If the input list is empty we are done
struct filter_tl_impl<tl<>, tl<Ts...>, P> {
  using type = tl<Ts...>;

// Normal case
template <class Head, class... Tail, class... Ts2, template <typename> class P>
struct filter_tl_impl<tl<Head, Tail...>, tl<Ts2...>, P> {
  using type = typename std::conditional<
      // Does the predicate hold on the head of the input list?
      // The head of the input list matches our predictate, copy it
      typename filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2..., Head>, P>::type,
      // The head of the input list does not match our predicate, skip
      // it
      typename filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2...>, P>::type>::type;

template <class TL, template <typename> class P> struct filter_tl {
  using type = typename filter_tl_impl<TL, tl<>, P>::type;

// Test code
using MyTypes = tl<
   char*, bool, char, int, long, void,
   char*, bool, char, int, long, void,
   char*, bool, char, int, long, void

using MyNumericTypes = filter_tl<MyTypes, std::is_arithmetic>::type;

static_assert(std::is_same < MyNumericTypes,
              >> :: value);

int main(int, char **) {}


  • using type = typename std::conditional<
          // Does the predicate hold on the head of the input list?
          // The head of the input list matches our predictate, copy it
          typename filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2..., Head>, P>::type,
          // The head of the input list does not match our predicate, skip
          // it
          typename filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2...>, P>::type>::type;

    instantiates both sides because of ::type.

    You might delay intermediate instantiation by after the std::conditional:

    using type = typename std::conditional<
          // Does the predicate hold on the head of the input list?
          // The head of the input list matches our predicate, copy it
          filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2..., Head>, P>,
          // The head of the input list does not match our predicate, skip
          // it
          filter_tl_impl<tl<Tail...>, tl<Ts2...>, P>>::type::type;

    Which leads to linear number of instantiations instead of exponential.