I am working on a react-bootstrap web app that uses modal dialogs. Multiple modal dialogs are rendered in the app at different places (e.g. in different components, route/switch constructs, different levels of hierarchy etc.). However, only ever one modal dialog is active at a time.
Until now I never had a problem with that approach (I'm relatively new to react). Somehow I ended up in a situation where two modal dialogs are "semi-frozen"? They each open and close as supposed (and also the buttons work), but I cannot edit the form in them anymore (and also cannot select the header text for example).
Both dialogs were working until I added more dialogs at other places (that's my guess at least). Is there something I need to watch out for when working with multiple modal dialogs? Or more generally like where to render modal dialogs?
<Modal show={show} onHide={discardChanges} backdrop={edited ? "static" : true}
keyboard={edited ? false : true} size="lg" centered>
<Modal.Header closeButton>
<Modal.Title>{t("edit tour")}</Modal.Title>
<TourContainer tourTemplate={editableTourTemplate} pointsOfInterest={pointsOfInterest}
dispatch={dispatchEditableTourTemplate} validated={edited} />
<Button onClick={saveChanges} disabled={!(edited && editableTourTemplate.valid)}>
<Button onClick={discardChanges} variant="outline-primary">{t("cancel")}</Button>
It is rendered in another component somewhere like this:
<button onClick={showEditModal} className="bg-white border-0">
<img src="/img/pencil.png" alt="Pencil" height="25" width="25" />
<TourEditModal show={editModalVisible} hide={hideEditModal}
update={updateTourTemplates.update} />
The reason these two modals were behaving that way was that I moved them inside of a NavLink element. This NavLink element has a preventDefault() on mouse down because I don't like the button focus there. Naturally, the modals became unfocusable.
Once I moved the modals out of the NavLink element they were working as intended again.