There is an rmarkdown
file with a markdown
table that will be regularly updated. The content should be parsed in a code chunk so that e.g. ggplot
could be used. I don't want to maintain the table in a code chunk or a separate file.
How can I read the table from the code chunk?
You can find as a starter rmarkdown
code with a markdown
table below.
title: "Parse tables"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
# Step 1: Create markdown table as text
That table will be manually updated directly in the markdown file.
Table: Project Timeline
| date | description |
| 2020-05-11 | Milestone 1 |
| 2020-07-11 | Milestone 2 |
| 2020-07-20 | Milestone 3 |
# Step 2: Parse the table above
The table should be maintained as a markdown table. That seems to be more easy than working directly with
`tibble` or `tribble`. How can I read the table from the code chunk?
df <- tibble(date = c("2020-05-11", "2020-07-11", "2020-07-20"),
description = c("Milestone 1", "Milestone 2", "Milestone 3"))
In a code chunk, apply readLines
to your Rmd
file to get the lines of this file in a vector:
allLines <- readLines("yourFile.Rmd")
Select the lines which start and end with |
, and remove the second one (which is the separator line "|-----|-----|"
tableLines <- allLines[grep("^\\|.*\\|$", allLines)][-2]
Then with the code below, you get the table as a matrix, whose first line contains the column names:
tableAsMatrix <- t(sapply(strsplit(tableLines, "\\|"), function(pieces){
Finally convert this matrix deprived of its first line to a dataframe, and use its first line to set the column names:
setNames([-1,,drop = FALSE]), tableAsMatrix[1,])
title: "Parse tables"
output: html_document
```{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(message = FALSE, warning = FALSE)
# Step 1: Create markdown table as text
That table will be manually updated directly in the markdown file.
Table: Project Timeline
| date | description |
| 2020-05-11 | Milestone 1 |
| 2020-07-11 | Milestone 2 |
| 2020-07-20 | Milestone 3 |
# Step 2: Parse the table above
The table should be maintained as a markdown table. How can I read the table from the code chunk?
allLines <- readLines("ParseTable.Rmd")
tableLines <- allLines[grep("^\\|.*\\|$", allLines)][-2]
tableAsMatrix <- t(sapply(strsplit(tableLines, "\\|"), function(pieces){
df <- setNames([-1,,drop = FALSE]), tableAsMatrix[1,])