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object object error with java script and ionic

I create a mobile application with covid19 real time data. i have used api.but i can't access json data from it. when it runs object object error is is the current output here is the data inside the is the api data.

import { Component } from '@angular/core';
import { HttpClient } from '@angular/common/http';
import { Observable } from 'rxjs';
import { LoadingController } from '@ionic/angular';
import { finalize } from 'rxjs/operators';
import { NULL_EXPR } from '@angular/compiler/src/output/output_ast';

  selector: 'app-home',
  templateUrl: '',
  styleUrls: [''],

export class HomePage {
  data : string;
  error: string;
  loading: any;
  obj: string;
  updatedDateSL: string;

  constructor(private http: HttpClient,public loadingController: LoadingController) {'';
 async ionViewWillEnter() {
    await this.presentLoading();
    // Load the data
      finalize(async () => {
          // Hide the loading spinner on success or error
          await this.loading.dismiss();
         data=> {                                                                         //data is a java script object that is why it can stringfy.
          //updatedDateSL =;                                   // Set the data to display in the template
 = JSON.stringify(data);                                              //converts to string 
          this.obj=JSON.parse(;                                                //info is a javascript objct
            //var totCasesSL =;
            //var totHospitalSL = data.local_total_number_of_individuals_in_hospitals;
            //var totRecoverSL = data.local_recovered;
            //var totDeathSL = data.local_deaths;
            //var newSL = data.local_new_cases;
            //var newDeathSL = data.local_new_deaths;
            //var totActiveSL = data.local_active_cases;   
        err => {
          // Set the error information to display in the template
          this.error = `An error occurred, the data could not be retrieved: Status: ${err.status}, Message: ${err.statusText}`;

  async presentLoading() {
    // Prepare a loading controller
    this.loading = await this.loadingController.create({
        message: 'Loading...'
    // Present the loading controller
  await this.loading.present();

  private prepareDataRequest(): Observable<object> {
    // Define the data URL
    //const dataUrl = '';
    const dataUrl = '';
    // Prepare the request
    return this.http.get(dataUrl);

here is the html file.

      Ionic 4 Example App


  <div class="ion-padding">
    <p>Data will be presented here...</p>
    <p *ngIf="!error;else errorContent">{{ obj ? obj : '-' }}</p>
     <ng-template #errorContent><p><span style="color: red;">{{error}}</span></p></ng-template>


i need to get local_new_cases and local_total_cases.Api connction is working here is the event that i run application sucessful output.


  • To show data in html you need to stringify the data so you should use data instead of obj in html . Update html code from

      <div class="ion-padding">
        <p>Data will be presented here...</p>
        <p *ngIf="!error;else errorContent">{{ obj ? obj : '-' }}</p>
         <ng-template #errorContent><p><span style="color: red;">{{error}}</span></p></ng-template>


      <div class="ion-padding">
        <p>Data will be presented here...</p>
        <p *ngIf="!error;else errorContent">{{ data ? data : '-' }}</p>
         <ng-template #errorContent><p><span style="color: red;">{{error}}</span></p></ng-template>