I want to get one element in the content that its innerHTML is "SOMETHING". The tag name is
and it does not have id.
<div class="hfvbuerfv iygerifyg r">
<div class="iyg8ybwef g irfg">
<div class="oiuh9 iyg y">SOMETHING</div>
<div class="iojuiohi"></div>
I tried this:
var all = document.getElementsByTagName("div");
for (i=0; i<all.length; i++) {
if (all[i].innerHTML.toString().includes("SOMETHING")) {
but I also get all parent div.
Consider that, I don't want to use JQuery or XPATH. I just want to do it with pure javascript.
The reason you get all parent nodes as well because the innerHTML of the parent nodes contains the div node with SOMETHING
in it. I think you need to add a check that the only child of the matched div node is a text node and that contains the nodeValue of "SOMETHING":
function findSomethingNode() {
var allDivs = document.getElementsByTagName('div');
for (var i = 0; i < allDivs.length; ++i) {
// Check for a single child that is a text node
// (nodeType === 3) that has the text (nodeValue) "SOMETHING"
if (allDivs[i].childNodes.length === 1 && allDivs[i].childNodes[0].nodeType === 3 && allDivs[i].childNodes[0].nodeValue === "SOMETHING") {
return allDivs[i];
// This logs the found node
<div class="hfvbuerfv iygerifyg r">
<div class="iyg8ybwef g irfg">
<div class="oiuh9 iyg y">SOMETHING</div>
<div class="iojuiohi"></div>