I recording sound to byte array, see below:
recorder = new MediaRecorder();
while (hasRecording) {
try {
int read = inputStream.read(data, 0, data.length);
if (read == -1)
byteArrayOutputStream.write(data, 0, read);
} catch (IOException e) {
By recording I am drawing amplitude to chart (on the fly). After stop recording user can select part of chart. And now, how can I extract part of byte array by the user selection? I have only position selected coords and byte array of completed recorded sound. I know, that I have to calculate with bitrate for gets position in byte array, but I don't know how.
Are you able to determine the number of bytes per frame? I can see that you have 44100 frames per second. But I don't usually work with audio in terms of bit rates and am not clear what that relates to.
In a pure Java context, the AudioFormat
is defined in terms of the bits used for encoding, with 16 bits (two bytes) being the most common, and the number of channels, e.g., 1 channel for mono, 2 channels for stereo.
With what is known as the common "CD Quality" format, we have 16-bit encoding and stereo, thus 4 bytes per frame. From that and the frame rate, it is a simple matter to correlate a specific byte to a moment in time.