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How to apply where-criteria to the same field more than once in TypeORM?

I want to express this query in TypeORM:

select * from user where x > 5 and x < 10

or other variations, like:

select * from user where x > '2020-01-01' and x < '2020-10-10'
select * from user where x >= 5.5 and x <> 10

How do I do it?

userRepo.find({where: {x: MoreThan(5), x: LessThan(10)}})

is obviously not legal.


  • Basic

    On find-options page there is a between function that lets you just do that

    import {Between} from "typeorm";
    const loadedPosts = await connection.getRepository(Post).find({
        likes: Between(1, 10)

    So in your case its:

    userRepo.find({where: {x: Between(5,10)}})


    If you need more control over the query, as in your appended example, you can use raw

    import {Raw} from "typeorm";
    const loadedPosts = await connection.getRepository(Post).find({
        currentDate: Raw(alias =>`${alias} > NOW()`)


    SELECT * FROM "post" WHERE "currentDate" > NOW()

    Translated to your problem:

        where: {
            x: Raw(alias => `${alias} >= 5.5 and ${alias} <> 10`) 


    This might become too tedious fast and you might want to resort to the more basic query builder for more control