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How do I load my own Reality Composer scene into RealityKit?

I have created 3 "scenes" inside Experience.rcproject file, that is created when you start a new Augmented Reality project using xcode.

Working for 3D a lot, I would say that these were 3 objects inside a scene, but inside Experience.rcproject I have added 3 "scenes". Inside each one, the same 3D model. The first one is attached to an horizontal plane, the second one to a vertical plane and the third one to an image.

I am woking with Reality Kit for the first time and learning along the way.

My idea of doing so, is to load the right object when I want to have it attached to the horizontal, vertical or image.

This is how I accomplished this.

I have modified Experience.swift file provided by Apple to accept scene names, like this:

public static func loadBox(namedFile:String) throws -> Experience.Box {
    guard let realityFileURL = Foundation.Bundle(for: Experience.Box.self).url(forResource: "Experience", withExtension: "reality") else {
      throw Experience.LoadRealityFileError.fileNotFound("Experience.reality")
    let realityFileSceneURL = realityFileURL.appendingPathComponent(namedFile, isDirectory: false)
    let anchorEntity = try Experience.Box.loadAnchor(contentsOf: realityFileSceneURL)
    return createBox(from: anchorEntity)

and I call this line

let entity = try! Experience.loadBox(namedFile:sceneName)

whatever I want, but I have to use this code:

// I have to keep a reference to the entity so I can remove it from its parent and nil
currentEntity = nil

// I have to load the entity again, now with another name
let entity = try! Experience.loadBox(namedFile:sceneName)

// store a reference to it, so I can remove it in the future
currentEntity = entity

// remove the old one from the scene

// add the new one

This code is stupid and I am sure there is a better way.

Any thoughts?


  • Hierarchy in RealityKit / Reality Composer

    I think it's rather a "theoretical" question than practical. At first I should say that editing Experience file containing scenes with anchors and entities isn't good idea.

    In RealityKit and Reality Composer there's quite definite hierarchy in case you created single object in default scene:

    Scene –> AnchorEntity -> ModelEntity 

    If you placed two 3D models in a scene they share the same anchor:

    Scene –> AnchorEntity – – – -> – – – – – – – – ->
                                 |                  |
                           ModelEntity01      ModelEntity02
                                 |                  |
                              Physics            Physics
                                 |                  |
                             Animation          Animation
                                 |                  |
                               Audio              Audio

    AnchorEntity in RealityKit defines what properties of World Tracking config are running in current ARSession: horizontal/vertical plane detection and/or image detection, and/or body detection, etc.

    Let's look at those parameters:

    AnchorEntity(.plane(.horizontal, classification: .floor, minimumBounds: [1, 1]))
    AnchorEntity(.plane(.vertical, classification: .wall, minimumBounds: [0.5, 0.5]))
    AnchorEntity(.image(group: "Group", name: "model"))

    Here you can read about Entity-Component-System paradigm.

    Combining two scenes coming from Reality Composer

    For this post I've prepared two scenes in Reality Composer – first scene (ConeAndBox) with a horizontal plane detection and a second scene (Sphere) with a vertical plane detection. If you combine these scenes in RealityKit into one bigger scene, you'll get two types of plane detection – horizontal and vertical.

    enter image description here

    Two cone and box are pinned to one anchor in this scene.

    enter image description here

    In RealityKit I can combine these scenes into one scene.

    // Plane Detection with a Horizontal anchor
    let coneAndBoxAnchor = try! Experience.loadConeAndBox()
    coneAndBoxAnchor.children[0].anchor?.scale = [7, 7, 7]
    coneAndBoxAnchor.goldenCone!.position.y = -0.1  //.children[0].children[0].children[0]
    arView.scene.anchors.append(coneAndBoxAnchor) = "mySCENE"
    coneAndBoxAnchor.children[0].name = "myANCHOR"
    coneAndBoxAnchor.children[0].children[0].name = "myENTITIES"
    // Plane Detection with a Vertical anchor
    let sphereAnchor = try! Experience.loadSphere()
    sphereAnchor.steelSphere!.scale = [7, 7, 7]

    enter image description here

    In Xcode's console you can see ConeAndBox scene hierarchy with names given in RealityKit:

    enter image description here

    And you can see Sphere scene hierarchy with no names given:

    enter image description here

    And it's important to note that our combined scene now contains two scenes in an array. Use the following command to print this array:


    It prints:

    [ 'mySCENE' : ConeAndBox, '' : Sphere ]

    You can reassign a type of tracking via AnchoringComponent (instead of plane detection you can assign an image detection):

    coneAndBoxAnchor.children[0].anchor!.anchoring = AnchoringComponent(.image(group: "AR Resources", 
                                                                                name: "planets"))

    Retrieving entities and connecting them to new AnchorEntity

    For decomposing/reassembling an hierarchical structure of your scene, you need to retrieve all entities and pin them to a single anchor. Take into consideration – tracking one anchor is less intensive task than tracking several ones. And one anchor is much more stable – in terms of the relative positions of scene models – than, for instance, 20 anchors.

    let coneEntity = coneAndBoxAnchor.goldenCone!
    coneEntity.position.x = -0.2
    let boxEntity = coneAndBoxAnchor.plasticBox!
    boxEntity.position.x = 0.01
    let sphereEntity = sphereAnchor.steelSphere!
    sphereEntity.position.x = 0.2
    let anchor = AnchorEntity(.image(group: "AR Resources", name: "planets")

    Useful links

    Now you have a deeper understanding of how to construct scenes and retrieve entities from those scenes. If you need other examples look at THIS POST and THIS POST.


    Additional code showing how to upload scenes from ExperienceX.rcproject:

    import ARKit
    import RealityKit
    class ViewController: UIViewController {
        @IBOutlet var arView: ARView!
        override func viewDidLoad() {
            // RC generated "loadGround()" method automatically
            let groundArrowAnchor = try! ExperienceX.loadGround()
            groundArrowAnchor.arrowFloor!.scale = [2,2,2]

    enter image description here

    enter image description here