I'm writing a test for a function, and have to trigger the .catch part of that function, but Jasmine's spiesfor some reason can't do that. Method to be tested:
.catch((error) => {
//stuff I still have to test
doStuff() returns a Promise (hence the .catch-Setup), but for this test it's supposed to throw an error.
Here is my test:
it('tests the error handling of foo',(done) =>{
spyOn(object,'foo').and.throwError('Test Error');
Is the way I'm approaching this wrong? Is that an error with Jasmine? (Google didn't find anything) [I stick to the (done) setup because almost all other tests are async and I want to keep the style]
[I cannot change the code to be tested]
If you call and.throwError(...);
you throw the error within the test method.
You can try to return a Promise rejection instead:
spyOn(object, 'foo').and.rejectWith(new Error('Test Error'));