I'm using kendos exportpdf function to convert html template into pdf file in django framework.pdf file comes/looks good. when we use only text within template. When I have added block of content using css(bootstrap cards) the text along with block is breaking(as per below screenshot) when it comes to end of the page. Can anyone help me to resolve this issue and please let me know if any additional information to be added for clear understanding.
Kendo's exportpdf uses the Kendo drawing library, which has a keepTogether setting allowing you to set which CSS classes that should not be split across pages.
drawing.drawDOM("#content", {
paperSize: "A4",
margin: "2cm",
keepTogether: ".prevent-split"
drawing.pdf.saveAs(group, "filename.pdf");
additional details here: https://docs.telerik.com/kendo-ui/framework/drawing/pdf-output/multi-page-content#preventing-page-breaking-in-elements