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How Fetch file From GitLab using by GitLab4j

How to fetch file from gitLab, using by GitLab4j my code look:


    Object obj = 19851511;
    GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("", "TOKEN");

    RepositoryFile file = gitLabApi.getRepositoryFileApi().getFile(obj
            , ""
            , "master");

` Link in browser is work! After, I have error: Exception in thread "main" org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException: 404 File Not Found

or: Exception in thread "main" org.gitlab4j.api.GitLabApiException: 404 Commit Not Found


  • if you interest answer in my question, so is


    Object obj = 19851511;
    GitLabApi gitLabApi = new GitLabApi("", "TOKEN");
    RepositoryFile file = gitLabApi.getRepositoryFileApi().getFile(obj,"src/.gitkeep" , "master");
        System.out.println("TExt decodet \n"+file.getDecodedContentAsString());
        System.out.println("This all info from FILE \n"+file);

    ` enjoy

    Thank me!)

    and one more thing! If you get "SSLHandhakeExeption", so use


    First declare gitlabApi, after gitLabApi.setIgnoreCertificateErrors(true); ,and after all, RepositoryFile