I am running spring boot 2 and myBatis with postgresql. I installed postgis extension in my db. When running query from my app - I get error:
PSQLException: error: type "geometry" does not exist.
Running the same query in PGAdmin - I get the results, it means the extension installed successfully. When running the query from Java without geometry param - also success. This is the query from mybatis:
"<select id="selectMyFilters" parameterType="map" resultType="FilterOptions">
select ${column} as value,
from myFilters where
${column} is not null
<if test="geometry != null">
and (
ST_WITHIN (myGeo :: geometry, ST_SETSRID(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON('${geometry}'),4326))
GROUP BY ${column};
column also has been defined in db as GEOGRAPHY(POINTZ,4326)
I spent on it 2 days already but cannot find the problem.
Anybody can help?
add to search path the public scheme, (in addition to the scheme that you fetch data from) because the gis is installed in the public scheme