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Error while parsing XML file with StAx

I wrote a xml parser with StAx that I use to parse XML streams received from the server.Here is my code :

private Map<String, IUnitaryAction> parse(InputStream is) throws XMLStreamException {

    XMLInputFactory factory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance();
    XMLStreamReader reader = factory.createXMLStreamReader(is);
    boolean action = false;
    Map<String, IUnitaryAction> actionsMap = new HashMap<String, IUnitaryAction>();

        int type =;
        case XMLStreamReader.START_ELEMENT :
            action = reader.getLocalName().equals("action-description");

        case XMLStreamReader.CHARACTERS :
            if( action ){
                String act = reader.getText();
                System.out.println("Action trouvées " + act);

                String[] praxiscmd = act.split("_");
                    Create c = new Create(praxiscmd[1], praxiscmd[2], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], c);
                } else if("DELETE".equals(praxiscmd[0])){
                    Delete d = new Delete(praxiscmd[1],praxiscmd[2], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], d);
                } else if ("ADDPROPERTY".equals(praxiscmd[0])) {
                    AddProperty ap = new AddProperty(praxiscmd[1],
                            praxiscmd[2], praxiscmd[3], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], ap);
                } else if ("ADDREFERENCE".equals(praxiscmd[0])) {
                    AddReference ar = new AddReference(praxiscmd[1],
                            praxiscmd[2], praxiscmd[3], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], ar);
                } else if ("REMPROPERTY".equals(praxiscmd[0])) {
                    RemProperty rp = new RemProperty(praxiscmd[1],
                            praxiscmd[2], praxiscmd[3], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], rp);
                } else if ("REMREFERENCE".equals(praxiscmd[0])) {
                    RemReference rr = new RemReference(praxiscmd[1],
                            praxiscmd[2], praxiscmd[3], null);
                    actionsMap.put(praxiscmd[1], rr);

I get this error on the line : int type = ParseError at [row,col]:[1,1]
Message: Premature end of file.
    at fr.lip6.graphelex.TelexImpl.parse(
    at fr.lip6.graphelex.TelexImpl.sendHttpRequest(
    at fr.lip6.graphelex.TelexImpl.schedules(
    at fr.lip6.graphelex.MapperImpl.send(
    at fr.lip6.graphelex.GraphElexAgent.executeCycle(

I don't understand what is the problem since i use the same parser for another case and it perfectly work. Here is an example of XML streams I received from a server :

  <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>
      <description>last schedule returned</description>

Can someone give some advice ?

EDIT : I may find the answer to my question. The problem was when I have received the answer from the server as InputStream, I read parse it. As you may know, in Java, once an InputStream is read parsed, it is close automatically. Things sometime we forgot. Thanks for the documentation


  • Strictly because an answer is easier to read than the reading through the comments....

    Answer from Dimitri

    I may find the answer to my question. The problem was when I have received the answer from the server as InputStream, I parse it. As you may know, in Java, once an InputStream is parsed, it is close automatically. Things sometime we forgot. Thanks for the documentation .

    The answer is very simple. In my program, before I called the method I parse, I use to display the content input Stream to see what I am receiving. The fact is, once you read/parse your inpustream, it is automatically close. See the link below. So when I call my method parse, the Inputstream parameter was already close, this is why I caught this error.