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Switching between two colors on a awesome wm container widget

I create a wibox.container.background with something like:

local w = wibox.widget({
          id = "texte",
          text = "mon texte",
          widget = wibox.widget.textbox
       bg = beautiful.bg_normal,
       widget = wibox.container.background

Now I want to switch between two background colors with: = == beautiful.bg_normal and beautiful.bg_focus or beautiful.bg_normal

But that doesn't work. It seems refers to a solid pattern and not to a simple hexa color string.

Am I pointing to the correct bg variable?


  • I would recommend that you keep your own variable local is_focus = true and use that to update the background.

    What happens is that the background "string" that you specify goes through gears.color and is transformed into a cairo pattern. That is what is then actually used for drawing. You could also pass in a cairo pattern directly and avoid the "loop" through gears.color.

    Example for my proposed solution:

    local w = wibox.widget({
              id = "texte",
              text = "mon texte",
              widget = wibox.widget.textbox
           bg = beautiful.bg_normal,
           widget = wibox.container.background
    local is_focused = false
    local function switch_background()
        is_focused = not is_focused = is_focused and beautiful.bg_focus or beautiful.bg_normal