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Typeorm - left join and select only relation entity

I have command:

                .leftJoinAndSelect("permission.user", "user")
                .where(" = :stream", {stream:})

Which gives me this output:

  Permission {
    id: 51,
    user: User { nick: 'jmat', password: 'jmat', email: '[email protected]' }

I want only output like this:

User { nick: 'jmat', password: 'jmat', email: '[email protected]' }

I tried to add rows like this to my code between where and getMany, but it doesnt work. Also tried to use joinAndMap, but didnt solve it neither.


Thank you for your help


  • Try the option with select and getRawMany

    .leftJoinAndSelect("permission.user", "user")
    .where(" = :stream", {stream:})