I produced a graph with ggplotly to display the results that 10 participants achieved in three tests. The graph shows both a scatter plot (individual participants) and summary statistics (boxplot) grouped by experiment. I added a highlight function with selectize set to TRUE, so that the user can search for a particular participant in a filter_select box and highlight the participant's results on the graph.
When I run the code without shiny I get what's expected, that is the graph with a filter_select box above it to search for participants. But when I render the Plotly graph within a shiny app, I get an additional widget that doesn't seem to do anything but does really confuse the layout (run the Shiny App code below to see the effect).
dataset <- tibble(Name=rep(LETTERS[1:10],3),Result=sample(100,30),
ui <- fluidPage(
column(width = 10, offset = 1,
server <- function(input, output, session) {
output$graph <- renderPlotly({
d <- highlight_key(dataset,~Name,group="Select participant")
p <- ggplot(d,aes(Experiment,Result,fill=Experiment,text=paste0("<b>Name: ",
Name,"</b><br />Result: ",Result,"%"))) +
geom_point(size=2,position=position_jitterdodge(dodge.width = 0.4)#,
)+ggtitle("Results by Experiment (all subjects)")+
p <- ggplotly(p,tooltip=c("text"))
p <- style(p,hoverlabel=list(bgcolor="white",bordercolor="black",font="Arial"))
shinyApp(ui, server)
I'd like to get this spurious widget removed from the plotlyOutput; I have looked through numerous questions and answers on the shiny-plotly-highlight topic but none had anything similar to the problem I am having. I wonder whether anyone out there has come up against this issue and found a solution. I'd really appreciate any help with this.
@StéphaneLaurent @IqbalAdijali Thanks so much! You are the best! I was looking all over for a solution for this. You have inspired me to learn java script after this moment.
I will add for others wanting to implement the JS code above - I pasted it into the UI in a tabPanel exactly like this (do not forget to change the plot name! "graph", or "plot_15" in this case, to your plots name):
$(document).on("shiny:value", function(e){
if(e.name === "plot_15"){
$("#plot_15").prev().children()[1].style.display = "none";
}, 0);
Also, you may need to add a comma or parenthesis to separate expressions or close statements respectively.