I'm trying to upload a file along some data from a form in react to a server CXF java.
In the react code, i use FormData, a simple axios.post with multipart/form-data
In java i tell the webservice to consumme multipart/form-data.
for the text values i want to add to the formData i use the class Blob so that everything is the same, file and text values.
In the webservice java i have as param a MultivaluedMap<String, String>
and with only text values, i have my data.
If i add the file in the axios post request, i have an error 500 and the server doesnt event log anything, it crashes i think in the mapping with the MultivaluedMap<String, String>
I've tried then to use MultivaluedMap<Object, Object>
but the problem was the same.
If i use only String as param as expected, i only have the first entry in the data from axios post request and it's the value only not the key.
I wonder if i do something bad on react side but i'm not familiar with CXF so maybe it's my approch on the java side that is bad.
public void createInfoCollection(MultivaluedMap<Object, Object> formData) {
try {
System.out.println("json incoming");
} catch(Exception e) {
System.out.println("Exception = " + e);
on react the code is simple and goes as :
const formData = new FormData();
if (this.state.selectedFile) {
// Update the formData object
Object.keys(this.state).map(key => {
if (key != 'selectedFile') {
let value = this.state[key];
const json = JSON.stringify(value);
const blob = new Blob([json], {
type: 'application/json'
formData.append(key, blob, key);
// formData.append(key, this.state[key]);
const config = {
headers: {
'content-type': 'multipart/form-data'
axios.post("My/Url/That/Works/Well/With/GetRequests", formData, config)
.catch(error => {
Thank you
EDIT i found out about MultipartBody
on the java side but i'm still learning how to use this yet
Ok i found a solution using MultipartBody formDat
in this object there are headers Content-Disposition
that has a property names name
and a property filename
if the Content-Type
is application/octet-stream
If there are other data next to a file it doesnt have any content-type
but the way to get the name is the same with the property name
after parsing the Content-Disposition
Then there are Attachments on the MultipartBody
and with attachment.getDataHandler().getInputStream()
i have the content of the file and also the basic values of other data if there are any.
with a match between headers and attachments, i'm guessing i can do whatever i need to do.
Thank you for giving me new inspiration StackOverFlow !