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How to add the: "Cookies EU banner" to Rails 6 site

I am trying to add this: to my rails 6 site. It ought to be easy, but there is something I have missed, and I can not figure out, what it is.

This is what I have done:

  1. yarn add cookies-eu-banner (no problem).
  2. insert this div at the beginning of the body part (no problem - done with a partial).

<div id="cookies-eu-banner" style="display: none;">
    By continuing to visit this site, you accept the use of cookies by Google Analytics for statistical purposes.
    <a href="./read-more.html" id="cookies-eu-more">Read more</a>
    <button id="cookies-eu-reject">Reject</button>
    <button id="cookies-eu-accept">Accept</button>

  1. insert this div just before the end of the body part (also done with a partial).

<%= javascript_pack_tag '../src/cookies-eu-banner' %>
    new CookiesEuBanner(function () {
        // Your code to launch when user accept cookies

  1. in application.js I have added this line: import('src/index')

  2. in app/javascript/src/index.js I have added this line: import 'cookies-eu-banner'

  3. I have copied the cookies-eu-banner.js script to the app/javascript/src folder.

  4. Then precompiled assets, done bin/webpack and restarted the server.

However on refreshing the page, I still get either an errormessage saying that: "CookiesEuBanner is not a function", or: "Uncaught ReferenceError: cookiesEuBanner is not defined"

Any suggestions to what I have missed are more than welcome.

Thanks in advance


  • To make this work with webpack/Webpacker, usage will be different than what's currently described in the cookies-eu-banner README. Your JavaScript code must be imported in the webpack dependency graph instead of embedding JS in <script> tags in the view.

    First, make sure that following tags are in your layout to import Webpacker-bundled JavaScript and CSS:

    <%= stylesheet_pack_tag 'application' %>
    <%= javascript_pack_tag 'application' %>

    The banner HTML should be in your layout/view, i.e., <div id="cookies-eu-banner" style="display: none;">...</div> per the README.

    Then, add a JS file for initializing the banner somewhere in app/javascript/, (but not in app/javascript/packs), like app/javascript/src/add-eu-banner.js. Here, you'll import the library (and default css if desired) and initialize it when the DOM content has loaded:

    // app/javascript/src/add-eu-banner.js
    import CookiesEuBanner from 'cookies-eu-banner'
    import 'cookies-eu-banner/css/cookies-eu-banner.default.css'
    document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', () => {
      new CookiesEuBanner(() => {
        console.log('Cookies EU Banner accepted')

    Now, add that file to the webpack dependency graph by adding an import statement in the "application.js" pack file:

    // app/javascript/packs/application.js
    import '../src/add-eu-banner'

    That should display the banner. You might need to refresh the page or restart the webpack-dev-server depending on how you're developing locally.

    I also created this as an example in a branch in my Rails 6 Webpacker demo repo: