I have a repeat control that calls data from an sql table with javascript. The repeat has a column name with data from the table and another column with a check box in it. The check box is ticked to store the data from the repeat in a separate table. I want to clear all check boxes in the repeat when a button is clicked. How do I do that?
Heres what I've tried.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<xp:view xmlns:xp="http://www.ibm.com/xsp/core"
<xp:script src="/scriptsNewConflictRequest.jss" clientSide="false"></xp:script>
<xp:repeat id="repeat1" rows="30" var="rowData" value="#{javascript:getBusinessUnitsCR()}">
<xp:table style="width:99.0%">
<xp:td style="width:50.0%">
<xp:label value="#{javascript:rowData.busUnit}" id="label4"></xp:label>
<xp:td align="center" style="width:20%">
<xp:checkBox text="Yes" id="checkBU" checkedValue="Yes" uncheckedValue="No">
<xp:eventHandler event="onchange" submit="true" refreshMode="norefresh"
<xp:button value="Clear Check Boxes" id="button3">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="true" refreshMode="complete" id="eventHandler4">
//Method 1
getComponent("checkBU").setValue("No");}]]>//Did Not Work
//Method 2
context.redirectToPage(context.getUrl().toString());//Does not help because the page is on a switch facet and it does not redirect back to this page.
Tried the two methods listed above. Not sure what else to try.
If you just want to do this client-side, you can use some code like in this example:
<xp:button value="Select All" id="button6" styleClass="button">
<xp:eventHandler event="onclick" submit="false" id="eventHandler3">
<xp:this.script><![CDATA[var els= XSP.getElementById("#{id:someDiv}").getElementsByTagName("input");
for(var el= els.length-1; el>=0; el--)
els[el].checked= true;]]></xp:this.script>