I am trying to set the selected value of my v-select component in a method in the script part. These are the the code parts:
<v-flex xs4>
<v-select v-model="selected" :items="items" item-text="name"
item-value="value" outlined class="ml-2 mr-1" return-object></v-select>
and the part of the script:
export default {
data: function () {
items: [
{ name: 'item 1', value: 1 },
{ name: 'item 2', value: 2 },
{ name: 'item 3', value: 3 }],
selected: { name: 'iteam 1', value: 1 }
methods: {
apply (component) {
for (var i in this.items.entries()) {
if (i.name === component.item) {
this.selected.name = i.name
this.selected.value = i.value
I've tried different versions like
this.selected = i
this.selected[name] = i.name
this.selected[value] = i.value
this.selected = { i.name, i.value }
but nothing is working.
It's and old question but Let me post my answer to help others as well, after alot of search I have come to this point, and I want to share it with others as well.
//This will load all your items in dropdown
label="Select Item"
Now Edit Part
Lets say you want to edit a record, so you will probably pass the record id in edit method of your vuejs then inside edit method of vuejs, you will do an edit axios call for that specific record to first show it inside fields and then you will update. But before update you need to do something inside edit method of your vuejs when you will have already loaded data for that specific id.
Now lets say you have received a record from database according to a specific id, you will see a dropdown id I mean to say a foreign key for a dropdown that you had saved during storing data.
Suppose you have items
array which holds whole data for a dropdown. Inside this you are having an value
and name
fields. So you have this items
array and an object from database during edit for a specific record. Now you are good to go with below code.
Inside Edit Method of vuejs
//item_id it is like a foreign key for dropdown you have in your table
this.selected = this.items.find(item => item.value === parseInt(res.data.item_id))
this.selected = parseInt(this.selected.item_id)
Note: I am doing parseInt() it's because when you check in console the primary key is an integer like 1
but foreign key like rating_id is string i-e "1"
. You can also use two equals ==
if you are not using parseInt() but I haven't checked that.
For clearly understanding I am just sharing a sample edit code which might help you a bit
axios.get( `/api/category/${id}` ).then( res => {
if(res.data.status === 200){
this.name = res.data.data.name
this.id = res.data.data.id
this.parent_id = this.list_categories.find(item => item.id === parseInt(res.data.data.parent_id))
this.parent_id = parseInt(this.parent_id.id)
this.edited = true
this.$toaster.error( res.data.message )