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Parsing an error body in a ktor HTTPClient

I have an api that returns error body with the correct error information when a bad request is sent. For eg I get status code 400 and the following body -

  "errorCode": 1011,
  "errorMessage": "Unable to get Child information"

Now when I am writing a ktor client in a multi-platform module for this, I catch this in a response validator like -

 HttpResponseValidator {
            validateResponse {
                val statusCode = it.status.value
                when (statusCode) {
                    in 300..399 -> print(it.content.toString())
                    in 400..499 -> {
                        throw ClientRequestException(it)
                    in 500..599 -> print(it.content.toString())
            handleResponseException {

My query here is I am not able to access the response error body in either validateResponse or handleResponseException. Is there a way i can catch and parse that to get the actual error sent by server?


  • You can declare a data class Error to represent the error response you expect.

    import kotlinx.serialization.Serializable
    data class Error(
        val errorCode: Int,   //if by errorCode you mean the http status code is not really necessary to include here as you already know it from the validateResponse
        val errorMessage: String

    you can have a suspend fun to parse the response and have it as an instance of the Error data class

     suspend fun getError(responseContent: ByteReadChannel): Error {
        responseContent.readUTF8Line()?.let {
            return Json(JsonConfiguration.Stable).parse(Error.serializer(), it)
        throw IllegalArgumentException("not a parsable error")

    then inside the handleResponseException

    handleResponseException { cause -> 
                val error = when (cause) {
                    is ClientRequestException -> exceptionHandler.getError(cause.response.content)
    // other cases here 
                    else -> // throw Exception() do whatever you need 
    //resume with the error 

    you can implement some logic based on the error you get to throw an exception and catch it somewhere else in your code for example

    when (error.errorCode) {
            1-> throw MyCustomException(error.errorMessage)
            else -> throw Exception(error.errorMessage)

    I hope it helps